‘Above All, We Take Ownership!’
A passionate approach to employee engagement & motivation
Our Services
- Brand Design & Development
- Website Design & Development
- Digital Marketing
About Plus-Project
Plus-Project is an Employee Owned Biostatistics CRO formed in April 2014, with offices in the UK, Poland & Ukraine. Plus-Project offers highly talented teams of motivated and skilled statisticians to deliver statistical consultancy services and support for it’s growing Europe wide customer base.
The Brief
Our Approach
- Redesign the brand logo and develop a strapline to present the business proposition
- Design and develop a WordPress Website to better define the core offering and deliver a structured user journey to clearly present the range of statistical consultancy services
- Update the colour palette and re-design key graphics for ongoing marketing activity
- Design and develop a recruitment marketing campaign to recruit key staff Europe wide

Our Solution
Brand Design & Corporate logo development
The existing logo was quite basic and missed the mark in terms of reflecting the name of the business and presenting the sector that business sits within. Greenlight Web designed and created a series of alternative logo designs and colourways, to present a range of options for assessment and selection. The idea being to take the principles fo the exisiting design but update it to better present the brand.

Previous Logo

A number of logo options presented for assessment and selection

Selected logo in portrait and landscape formats

On-Site Photography
We undertook a day’s photography to capture a number of key images for use within the new website and across marketing and social media activity – various staff shots positioned formally – within specific business groups, and then a series of more natural poses taken as the teams continued with their work.

Website Design and Development

Recruitment Advertising

Promotional Work-wear and Merchandising
To further promote Plus-Project at key events – we delivered branded T-shirts for the team to wear on-stand and designed a number of promotional gift items – Pens and mugs,to be handed out to stand visitors.